Fulfillment, happiness, and reward...

The other day I was wandering around one of the local artisan boutiques in my neighbourhood and came across a young woman preparing for spring — with Christmas behind us the next big commercial event is SPRING, and as you know, the commercial machine is well oiled to sell us something. I suppose we do need somewhere to direct our tendencies.

I could not help but take a moment to watch her put the final touches on what she was doing — I will admit it was visually stunning, and the positive energy that was coming from someone doing something they love was "palpable" (and infectious). As I watched, she caught my eye and smiled at me; she looked back to what she was doing and then bounded over to someone I can only assume was her boss. Their conversation seemed full of positive energy.

As I looked back at what she had done, I could not help but think that she definitely has talent, seems to very much love what she is doing, and has a long runway for success.

"Do something you love, get really, really good at it, and the money will follow"

I can't remember if I read this or if someone mentioned it, but it still resonates to this day. And I believe it to be true!

There is a self-awareness and an understanding of where your strengths lie that is needed — knowing what you are good at, and conversely what you are not so good at, is important. And just as important, the definition of your strength needs to be yours and not anyone else's (and most definitely not with what you see on the internet). HAVE THE SELF-AWARENESS TO UNDERSTAND YOUR STRENGTHS.

It should be pointed out, particularly if you are under thirty, that there is a big difference between being good at something and its other advanced iterations — great, elite, master, expert, best, number one... and the ever popular "best ever in the whole, wide, world". The advancement of good takes practice, work, continued development, coaching, more practice, more work and time... lots of time. WHEN YOU FIND YOUR STRENGTH, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT PRACTICE, HARD WORK, AND TIME IS NEEDED TO GET REALLY, REALLY, REALLY GOOD.

Share what you are doing with people and discard the concept of perfect. Everything we do is an evolution from good to great. In fact, there is something to be said about watching your progress — it's motivating; not only for you but also for those who may be watching you. IF YOU WAIT FOR SOMETHING TO BE BULLET PROOF IT MAY NEVER GET DONE — GET YOURSELF STARTED, SHOW PEOPLE WHAT YOU CAN DO, AND KEEP DOING IT.


And one more thing, if you leverage your strengths, do what you love, and the reward never comes the way you think it should, you still have fulfillment and happiness — and let me say that if you have this, you pretty well have everything.

I wonder where that young woman will take her talents over the next thirty years?


Bloggers note — when I sent the first draft of this blog to my daughter her response was, "Dad, that's not exactly what happened". To that I suggested it was artistic licence on my part. Her response was something about the integrity of information on the Internet. So in the spirit of not feeding "fake news" and staying a hero in my daughter's eyes, I will say the young woman is my daughter — I didn't watch her put the commercial merchandising display together or watch her bound over to her boss (although I was told her boss did like her work). The picture is real, and the thoughts on Fulfillment, happiness and reward" are mine. In the end, my position is I'm practicing my creative writing skills to tie all of this together.

What can I say, I'm a loving father — sue me.

Moments — the power and beauty of bookclub.

The reason most people do not accomplish more is that they do not attempt more. The boy who does not read good books, who does not embrace every opportunity to extend his general knowledge, has no advantage over the boy who cannot read books and who does not have opportunity to extend his knowledge. 

                                                      "Bulletin” of the National Association of Corporation Schools July 1915


Somehow I found myself part of a "bookclub" that reads business books. We get together after each book is read to discuss its major themes and what we gleaned from it — we also drink wine and beer, have something to eat, and discuss the merits of the latest superhero action movie.

The group consists mostly of people working on their MBA part time — although we are not all doing that. We are all there to learn, share our perspectives, meet new people, and build upon the opportunities that come with all of this.

Our last book club involved the merits of "discomfort" for personal growth and development (the book was The Beauty of Discomfort) — we also discussed our dreams for the future, the possibly of moving to China, the serendipity of common connections, a trip to Germany, and how the blockbuster superhero movies of 2018 will be amazing.

These were the conversations of people attempting to do more.

I'd like to thank Adrian, and Laura, and Victoria, and Behnam, and Renée, and Jenn, and Doug, and Robert — I am richer for the opportunity of book club.


Moments — opportunities

I have always found a serenity with being in a church; a quiet that calms the soul. Why this is, I really don't know — it may be what a church represents, or the expectation that it's a place for quiet reflection, or maybe it's simply a symbol of something bigger than ourselves.

Recently I sat quietly on a back pew and supported a great friend (and his family) as they said goodbye to a mother, a wife, and a member of that very church. I was an observer of the human condition — the joy, the celebration, and of course the grief. It offered insight into a life lived, and an opportunity to ponder my own.

"You are born and you die, and everything is in-between". I heard someone say this once, and I could not help but reflect on the "everything in-between" as a woman sang Amazing Grace. 

Big and small, common and unique, easily attained and difficult — these are the types of opportunities that come our way each and every day, and make up our life; this is the "everything in-between" that he was talking about. As I left this borrowed sanctuary, I could not help but acknowledge that this life will not last forever, and that I should never shy away from any and all opportunities — no matter how unfamiliar and unlikely they may seem.

You never know where they will take you. And isn't that what life is all about?
