Courage defined... as well as other enviable qualities.



cour·age /ˈkərij/ (noun): 

1. the ability to do something that frightens one:




Like many of us I recently got together with good friends to celebrated our friendships, ring in 2017 with champagne, and enter the new year with great anticipation of the things to come.

He had mentioned that he may bring a Jello fruit salad; not only did he bring it, he also made it.  It was a multicoloured, multilayer, Jello dessert that was literally bursting with fruit inside and liberally topped with whipped cream. I've known the creator of this fine dessert since grade school and to discover that this slightly edgy, slightly cranky, hard core finance and business leader had gone into the kitchen, took a chance, and made this Jello fruit salad was the true definition of courage. The testament of his character was out on the counter for all to see, and for me, it was something quite magnificent.

As the night progressed, and as Jello fruit salads are apt to do, it began to split and fruit spilled out in a great escape, leaving the salad somewhat unrecognizable. This by no means detracted from the courage it took to make it, the kindness to bring it, and the friendship to share his Jello fruit salad. In all the fun and excitement of the evening I never did get a chance to taste it, but I wanted to make sure he knew it was greatly appreciated. It was a wonderful evening and a great way to bring in the New Year.

Thank you to all of those I have the privilege to call my friend. All the best in 2017!



That which inspires...

It is that time of the year when a young man's thoughts turn to the next 365 days, the plans needed to get you where you want to go, and that which inspires. I just finished updating and reposting a blog entitled "Write something down... anything!" on the social media platform beBee which offers a perspective on the importance of having a plan and writing it down.

I will admit I have a soft spot for inspirational and motivational memes, and although I know that sometimes who actually "penned them" can be suspect, it doesn't make them any less impactful. I happen to have a fairly large collection of these memes, and as part of my 2017 planning process, I thought I would review them to see which (if any) would align nicely with my 2017 activities. And sure enough, I found some that did.



A reminder that I have to "own it"; in whatever I do and whatever happens. And although there will be many people that will help me on the way, I am the one who has to take responsibility through the good times and the bad. 






A reminder to push the boundaries and look past what people say I can do and can not do. Search out people who look at the world differently than myself and who have ideas that are different than mine.






Go outside my comfort zone, learn to be "comfortable with being uncomfortable", look to that which I don't understand, and break my habits. Work to see things I have not seen before.  





Anything worthwhile is not easy... I will be challenged, tested, and some days all there will be is my conviction and belief to keep going. There will always be the next day.





As the Tragically Hip said, "No dress rehearsal, this is our life". Just do it, embrace life, and enjoy the journey.







A reminder to move with conscious thought and design, have an understanding as to why I'm in the moment, and what I am doing. And with that said, this is what my 2017 Guiding Principles and plan look like.





The Vision for a fulfilled Life

Self confidence with myself and the world through mindful action and presence. (self)

Self awareness and knowledge through activity & travel, learning, knowledge and wisdom. (self)

Deep emotional connection with a “Life Companion”. (relationship/spirit)

Deep connection and Legacy for my Daughter. (relationship/spirit)

Satisfying circle of friends with personal and professional connections. (relationship/spirit)

A safe, comfortable and tranquil living space (environment)

Intimate work with a company or small circle of clients to help them grow into their goals. (environment)

2017 Goals and Objectives (Guiding Principles in Bold)

Self Confidence: Maintain an uninterrupted physical lifestyle. Study mindfulness. Expand networks and formal association membership.  

Self Awareness and Knowledge: Travel internationally at least once in 2017. Take at least one academic courses. Read one non fiction book each quarter.

Deep Emotional Connection: Develop a soulful “Life Companion” relationship. Continue to build an adult relationship with my daughter.

Satisfying Circle of Friends:  Continue initiating quarterly get-togethers. Assess toxic friendships and develop positive new friendships. 

Legacy: Continue activity to move Family Legacy plan forward.

A Safe, comfortable, tranquil living space: Maintain current situation until 2018.

Intimate work:  Continue GPE Stratagem as an income generator (> $XXXXX K). Continue Blogging activity (no less than twice a week). Expand social networking. Develop one entrepreneurial opportunity. Write a book.  

So there you have it. Have a wonderful 2017 wherever you plan to go.




What if I fall?

What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly.

I have always liked this meme, for no other reason I suppose than it speaks to the human condition and the human experience that connects us all.



Our imagination and our dreams will take us far.

Nothing ever happens without the bravery to take that leap, climb that ladder, or take that first step.

Doubt and fear will keep us on the ground.

Generation, after generation, we were born to fly.


And as much as I've always liked the meme, I simply love this one.




Fall seven times, stand up eight.




Because it reminds us that we are born to fly.
