This is why I really, really like beBee...

Simply put... it is the fascinating people you get to meet.

Today I met RenéeCormier and Kevin Pashuk for coffee (I actually had diet coke but this isn't about my slight addiction). I have known Renee for a while now and we meet regularly, but this was the first time I've had the opportunity to meet Kevin face to face. 

I have known Kevin through his writing and comments, and it has always been a nice experience — To meet him face to face was a complete pleasure. Our conversations ebbed and flowed on a litany of topics for about two hours and I was slightly saddened when we had to part company. I will admit some of the sadness was because I had to head out into the rain but that is no reflection on anything other than I don't like to get wet.

I met both Renee and Kevin through beBee, and it is just the luxury of geography that has allowed us to have coffee and diet coke together... but here is the thing in all of this.

I have also met people from Spain, Australia, South Africa, Belgium, Israel, India, the U.S., other parts of Canada, the U.K., et cetera, et cetera... I may not get to spend time with them in a trendy Oakville cafe but I get to know them through their writing, their comments, their interests, their engagement, and their expression. 

I have become a richer person for my beBee experience so far; to everyone I have connected with, "Thank you".

And to all those I will meet in the future, I can hardly wait.


The Windmill — A transferable example to selling anything.

They say you don't buy a drill but rather you buy a hole.

I suppose that also holds true when you buy a windmill because you are also buying a hole; it also makes for a creative example of Features, Benefits and Value as they applies to sales.

  • The Feature of the Windmill is to spin with the wind and pump oxygen into the pond.
  • The Benefit of the Windmill is the oxygen it pumps promotes aerobic bacteria and prevents ice from forming in the winter.
  • The Value is aerobic bacteria will prevent the growth unsightly pond scum and leave open water for waterfowl in the winter.

At this point it should be pointed out that Benefits satisfy extrinsic needs and Value satisfy intrinsic needs.

  • An Extrinsic need refers to the understanding that it is an overall general need.
  • An Intrinsic need refers to the understanding that the need is specific to the individual.

If I am a bird lover and have a need to see birds as much as possible I am not so much interested in the control of pond scum, but rather allowing birds to enjoy my pond year round. The value that the windmill brings to me is creating open water in the winter for the birds. This is why I would want to buy a windmill if you are selling one.

People buy the Value of the product that is aligned to their intrinsic need.

Let's not even get into Windmills versus Solar.


PS: Feel free to transfer to about anything... 

PPS: It's much easier said than done... 

The journey and the goal...

Yesterday was the official start of my 2017 road biking season; similar to previous official starts, the day was sunny, warm, and spring was in the air. And like the last three years, it also marked the beginning of my road training for an upcoming 212 km ride in June to fight cancer.

As with previous years I have the honour to ride with three of my good friends, and if I'm not mistaken they too have started their journey and the countless "rpms" that come with preparing for the ride. Sometimes we train together and sometimes alone, but in the end we will ride the 212 kms as a team.

Our goal in all of this is to ride with 5000 other people in the Princess Margaret Ride to Conquer Cancer, raise awareness, raise money, and beat cancer in our lifetime. This is the 10th Anniversary of the ride and it will be an amazing event. About the Ride

As I made my way on such a beautiful day I was re-introduced to my bike after a long winter; the wind in my face slowing my progress, the twinge in my knee working itself out, and the feel of being in the saddle again (as I periodically shifted for comfort). As the kilometres melted away, I could not help but reflect on the small journey I was embarking on; all those other training rides in my future and my desire to be prepared for the ride. My goal in all of this is to support those people who are on a very different journey... a journey where they are battling cancer each and every day.

Our lives are full of journeys and goals; some of them are small and some of them are life changing — Starting university because you want to be an engineer and build bridges. The dream of becoming CFO coming true shortly before the CEO voices her dream of going public. That six month sabbatical that is for nothing other than travel. Dating again after four years because it's time. When the oncologist tells you there is no cure for the metastasized small cell lung carcinoma. And when you ride your bike for the first time to start preparing for a ride to defeat cancer in our lifetime.

These are our journeys. 

For the next two months my journey of preparation will have me riding as much as I can — I will endure the rain, the wind, the odd flat tire, and on June 10th I will ride like the wind. And as I ride, I will think of Janet, Garth, Paul, and Ray whose journey was cut short by cancer.

I have included a link to my personal page if you would like to donate to my ride.

Thank you 
