Ride your own ride...


I’m actually in the middle of writing a blog on strategy but the other day I was reminded of a very important imperative so I’ve put that blog on the back burner for the time being (I’m sure I’ll get back to it shortly because although the word strategy can get confusing, it represents something very important).

The imperative I was reminded of — “Ride your own ride”

If you’ve ever ridden a motorcycle you’ve probably heard this imperative because when you’re on a motorcycle you’re also keenly aware that the opportunity for a do over is rare. Although open to interpretation, the core meaning is to ride to your current ability and not get influenced by those around you — it’s advisable, unless you are ready, not to lean heavily into a turn going 100km/hr just because the rider ahead of you did it.

When you are on a motorcycle this imperative is very much a literal mantra — I was on my new bicycle when it came to mind so I suppose it may also have some figurative utility. My new bicycle is very different from my old bicycle, so not only am I dealing with getting my cycling legs back in order, I’m also dealing with a new riding position, different gears, different gear ratios, and larger tires. It is a completely different riding experience compared to what I’m used to and it had me lagging far behind the others.

As frustration was beginning to set in I found that little voice offering up some advice… “Ride your own ride”. And because a little wisdom has finally starting to settle in I listened.

I forgot about the people around me, started enjoying my ride, focused on what I needed to do to improve, and slowly, day by day, found myself improving — all simply because I finally recognized it was my ride and not anyone else’s. I should also mention I’m not lagging so far behind anymore. Sure this is a fine two-wheel reminder, but I would suggest it’s also a nice reminder for anything you do; particularly when you want to stay focused on your goals.

Because the moment you make it someone else’s ride, you will never meet the goals you’ve set out for yourself.

I guess I should get back to that strategy blog,


The reason I will ask you to donate generously...


Waiting rooms are hushed at 9:30 in the evening.

I know this because a few months back I found myself in one such room as I helped a friend who was having a CT scan. It was where people in gowns wait quietly for their name to be called; wait for diagnostic tests to be completed, and I suppose, wait for the news that comes with these kinds of tests. At the Princess Margret Hospital the news more often than not involves the word cancer.

On this particular night the room was empty except for a couple of people.

Although I tried not to look, tried not to intrude, my eyes were drawn to a woman in her early twenties. Like all young woman she was pretty, and like all people in this room she was clad in a hospital gown; she stared straight ahead — only her hands moved ever so slightly. In the time I spent in that waiting room she never moved except for her hands; her stoic gaze never faltered; she waited alone for her name to be called…

I will ride in the Princess Margaret Hospital’s Ride to Conquer Cancer again to support the advances to defeat cancer in our lifetime and to ensure those who are battling cancer know they are not alone — and that their character is an inspiration to us all.

As Canada’s largest cycling fundraiser, the Ride to Conquer Cancer has raised over $194 million for the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. The funds raised through the ride support Personalized Cancer Medicine research, treatment advances, education and new standards of care at the hospital, across Ontario and around the world.

Any donations are greatly appreciated.

Please pass this on as you see fit.


Moments — who says the universe doesn't have a sense of humour


I looked at my calendar for the week and was struck by two appointments I had on Wednesday and Thursday — I even mentioned it to a friend who just laughed. I’m still wrestling with whether it’s funny or just ironic; either way “someone” has a sense of humour.

On Wednesday I have a colonoscopy* and on Thursday I have an appointment with my tax accountant**.

In fairness, there will be some who just see this as two appointments with little appreciable correlation; let alone humour. In reality I suppose this is true, but I will say both involve some discomfort to work through; for both I’m prepared and expect everything to go as planned, so in the end, it’s all good. I also just found out that my new bike (which I have patiently been waiting to ride for two months) will be ready Friday for fitting and pick-up. Maybe, as I look at this week, Friday is just a reward for working through Wednesday and Thursday, and in the end everything will have gone according to plan — although I’m now starting to question who’s plan it actually is.

Yup, the universe has a sense of humour, and I will just have to grin and bear it until Friday.


* a procedure in which a flexible fiber-optic instrument is inserted through the anus in order to examine the colon.

** Tax accountants are the financial experts who understand all the government rules and regulations that determine the amount of money owed to federal, provincial or local agencies.