Disruption, dislodgement and optimism...

The following is the original and the rewrite can be found by clicking here.

"Networking" is quite possibly the most overused word around, but that does not make it any less important; that's why it's overused I suppose.

Connecting with people to build your network, expand your Linked In connections and increasing your collection of "views and likes" is all well and good, but ultimately it's all about drawing on people's skills, insights and experience.

This is what I recently found myself involved with as we were looking for "perspective and insight" regarding a new technology in the molecular diagnostic space*. After a good deal of discussion, many questions and some "stunning visuals", we asked for some candid feedback. 

To that he simply said, "I have three words for you - Disruption, dislodgement and optimism". 

He went on to elaborate -

Disruption: How disruptive is your technology over the current technology? Is your technology different enough to consider adopting and change from what is currently being used? The more disruptive the technology, the more inherent advantages there are for switching and the more likely you will see adoption. He went on to say this ultimately applies to anything, be it technology or process, and had found innovation and disruption are more or less synonymous.

Dislodgement: What are you going to do to dislodge the incumbent, be it a competitor or how something is being done, and have your technology adopted? The less disruptive your technology, the more difficult it will be to dislodge the current way of thinking (if not impossible); whereas something of a disruptive nature (with advantages) has a better chance of dislodging the current technology or way of thinking. It was pointed out not to underestimate how difficult it is to dislodge the current way of thinking - It takes hard work, creativity and tenacity. 

And this brought us to optimism: We were reminded that by nature humans are overly optimistic; believing what we have is the most "innovative and disruptive, with the ability to dislodge any incumbent" . He also reminded us that facts and data win the day - In the same breath though, he went on to say it is optimism that enables people to do amazing things, and we should never lose it.

In parting, he mentioned we should call him in a couple of weeks as he knows someone we should talk to. The networking continues.

I am very optimistic.


* The technology is an isothermal amplification technology platform that offers advantages over current amplification technologies. If you are interested in knowing more let me know... we have some "stunning visuals". 

Inspiration... something important for getting it done.

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If asked what inspires me, I am not sure "pirates" would have come to mind, but it seems for Scott Leckie, the principal at Takota Asset Management, they do; after watching his video, I now have a better understanding as to why. 

I could not help but wonder about inspiration and why it is so very important, particularly when it comes to getting things done.

I will say right away, and somewhat emphatically, inspiration is not a replacement for having a well thought out plan aligned with your situation - Having said that, inspiration can be a very powerful force for working through that plan, or when working thorough any situation for that matter. 

Merriam-Webster defines inspiration  \ˌin(t)-spə-ˈrā-shən, -(ˌ)spi-\ as:

Something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone.

Three ways to categorize inspiration come to mind:

Inspiration that can lead you to pursue a goal: I think this is a pretty inspirational example, don't you?

 "Chris Hadfield says Neil Armstrong's 1969 walk on the moon inspired him to pursue a path that will see him become the first Canadian to command the International Space Station. (Graham Hughes/Canadian Press)".

Inspiration to help generate an idea (used for any and all situations like executing on your plan, solving a problem or taking advantage of and opportunity) - I got the following from tiny buddha for finding inspiration:

  • Find inspiration in Nature
  • Find inspiration on the Web (it's what I did)
  • Find inspiration in Possibilities
  • Find inspiration in People
  • Find inspiration in Yourself

Lori Deschene, the founder of tiny buddha has offered up 50 places in total to find inspiration... definitely worth a look. You may get an idea.

Inspiration that emotionally engages and helps you work through the difficulties that come with executing on plans, solving problems or dealing with situations: We have all heard the stories of overcoming insurmountable odds, making the impossible possible, and validating the strength of the human spirit. Inspiration encourages us, strengthens us, reminds us that we are not alone, and what we are trying to do is possible. The world is full of these inspirational stories and is evident by a quick Internet search.  

Inspiration helps us get over the hurdles needed to get it done - it can stimulate a new idea or give you the energy to get back up when everything, I mean everything, is knocking you down. So as you build out your 2016 Goals, Objective and Plans, take some time to investigate what and who inspires you. You will be served well for it.

For me, I don't think it will be pirates.




This is such an exciting time of the year... an unconventional reason.

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It's December 23rd and for many people it is two days before Christmas ... an exciting time, particularly if you are under the age of ten. While I very much enjoy the meaning and trappings of Christmas, there is also another reason why this time of the year is very exciting for me.

This is the time of the year when you dust off that annual plan you have made, reflect on what you've done, and celebrate everything you have accomplished over almost 365 days! Very exciting!

I suspect a number of thoughts may be coming to the forefront,

  • "This isn't very "Christmasy"".
  • "I'm not sure where my plan is?"
  • "My bad... I didn't put a plan together this year. It's in my head though."
  • "Wait a second, the year isn't over yet... why would I review my plan?"
  • "Did you get me a gift this year?"

Before you go back to those presents you have to wrap, hear me out.

At the very least this offers a reminder to have an annual plan! As the popular saying goes, "It doesn't matter which road you take if you don't know where you are going"; I wrote a post at the beginning of the year entitled "Write something down... anything." about the importance of having one - It's crucial for any success.

To the question, "Why write it down?"... so you can measure it of course. You can review everything you've done and how all of your activities align with your plan. You have to admit that it's all getting rather exciting!

For 365 days we are accomplishing things and as days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, it all becomes a blur with one thing followed by another. This is an opportunity to actually review what you have accomplished, and as experience has shown, if you take some time to review what you have accomplished, you will be pleasantly surprised. Alignment with your plan is just the formality to ensure you are moving towards your goals.

Why now though?

With a handful of days left in the year, you know what else is going to happen with 99.9 % certainty and what you have to do... trying to implement any last minute miracles doesn't constitute being part of a plan, and is most likely wasted energy. So my thinking is why not use the remainder of the year to celebrate, review the lessons learned and get ready - At 12:00am on January 1, 2016 it will be time to look forward to a brand new year of infinite possibilities... it is not the time to look back.

And what is really exciting about 2016 is that it's a leap year! That is 366 days to accomplish amazing things.


PS: Don't get me wrong, I still believe in Christmas miracles. I'm just suggesting it shouldn't be part of your plan.