Don't ever think there isn't something bigger than yourself...

The air was silent and cold, and the sun was bright. I made my way along the path and there was the hint of spring in the air. There was something majestic about where I was, and that shortly there would be a dramatic transformation. In the mean time though, I walked carefully through the snow to limestone caves that had been there long before any human memory. It didn't take much imagination to grasp the immensity of it all.

Soon enough I would be back marketing something, looking to finance something, trying to broker "that deal", sell something, or buy something, but in that moment, I was a detail in something bigger than myself and it was out of my ability to control. And although I didn't fully understand it, I knew I had every right to be there.

Soon enough I was back in the car, and with little fan fair, I knew I was better for my walk in the forest before it woke.
