Questions to Help You Mind Your Business…

A Blog Series by Graham Edwards and Renée Cormier

GrahamWe sat in a trendy bakery enjoying lunch, and as always our conversation turned to business, opportunities, and the dynamics of transitioning a business in the current business climate. This is always a fun exercise because it challenges our conventional thinking, offers insight into what we know (and don’t know), and reinforces how complicated (as well as satisfying) developing a business can be.

One of us, and I don’t remember who, asked, “Do you think people ask themselves the right questions to increase their chances of success?” This of course rallied the discussion and we could not help but list off questions.

By no means is the following a definitive list of questions because business is a rather broad discipline, but it did lead to an idea.

1. How can I create a fuller picture of the nature of my business?

2. Where should I spend my money?

3. Do I need a plan for my business?

4. Should I hire a sales person?

5. How can maximize the value of my employees?

6. Why can’t employees just do what I tell them?

7. How do I build a team?

8. How can I manage my business and still have a life?

9. How will I know if I am successful?

10. Do I need to be using social media and how much do I really need to do?

Renée  — So the idea here is to write a blog piece each week where we take on one of these questions using our unique perspectives and styles. Graham tends to be more philosophical in his approach to business discussions, and God knows I am a pragmatist of the highest order. We find our different ways of processing and relaying information inspires us to think differently about things and often spurs new ideas. It is our sincerest hope that you enjoy our next ten blogs and that you find the inspiration to contribute new ideas and help us all broaden our thinking around business. We invite you to provide your own ideas, questions and solutions in the comments section or email us directly.

Thanks to the social media platform beBee,  Renée Cormier & Graham Edwards developed a business relationship and friendship that typically involves regular meetings, goal setting sessions, etc. Our meetings often provide the fuel for plans around business strategy, blog ideas and more.