Moments — more money.

My day ended gloriously when I was caught in a summer rain in the city. I had my umbrella with me so I suppose I wasn't caught unaware.

It poured. People scurried to get where they had to and tried to stay as dry as possible — some didn't even bother. I shared my umbrella with a woman — she was trying to keep her hair dry with piece of cardboard. I talked to a man who was soaked — he lamented that he had just gotten a hair cut. I complimented him on his haircut and we both laughed.

The rain was warm and I was mostly wet (even with my umbrella). I was smiling as I walked home.

Earlier in the day I overheard a conversation where one person was saying he wanted to have more money. I couldn't help but say, "We all want more money."

And then I said, "The real question is what are you doing to make more money". The other person gave me a knowing glance and I continued on with my day.
