A Grand Story in the making... written for one.

The following is the original and the rewrite can be found by clicking here.

This is a very interesting time of the year. 

A time to figuratively (and maybe even literally) stop to catch our breath, take stock, look around, and determine what the next year will (or should) be. A time to, whether we appreciate it or not, continue writing our story... autobiographers all. 

A romanticized notion I know, but no less accurate, with every past page of our story in ink, our current pages in pencil, and all those future pages still blank - A Grand Story in the making.

 A story written by one, to be read by one, and ultimately for the pleasure of the author; a story that inevitably comes with the question, that in one form or another is asked each year, "Am I enjoying what I'm reading?" This surely offers insight into the New Year's resolution, and most definitely offers consideration up and above enjoyment alone.

There are two other questions worthy of being asked when reading what has been put down on paper:

"Am I truly the author of my own story, or am I using a ghost writer?"

"Is the story that I am writing truly what I want to read?"

Remember that enjoyment, although the ultimate desire of any story, must be looked at holistically; having just read the third paragraph in chapter seven may not be the best place to determine if you are enjoying what you are reading - There must have been something about the first six chapters you were enjoying, and if not, I refer back to the above questions.

What is important is that we own our story. Autobiographers all; writing the best stories we can... sharing, teaching, discovering, inventing, inspiring, and motivating.

Because in the end, we are all contributing to the greatest story ever told.



Stories from around the fire...

The following is the original and the rewrite can be found by clicking here.

There is something about an open fire that transcends the dancing flame and the inviting smell; it beckons the memories of countless fires through the ages where people huddled for warmth, safety, a sense of community and with an invitation for stories to inform and entertain. I have been afforded the opportunity to spend a couple of weeks with my father as I transition into the city - One night we found ourselves around such a fire.

I should mention that my father, at the fine age of 85, is still very active on the golf course, travels once or twice a year, keeps his grass perfectly groomed and enjoys all the functionality his Galaxy S III can offer; definitely a good natured cranky old man who keeps everyone on their toes. As we settled in around the fire, our conversations began.

They started with the topics of the day and some of what we have planned in the future, but it was inevitably the stories of the past (our histories), where this transcendence occurs. I spent more time listening than talking.

The story of  "Management by Objectives" and reconciling it with "Management by Results", as the business worked hard to optimize the organization and implement the latest in management and leadership thinking. 

The story of a young man in his early twenties just out of the paratroopers full of piss and vinegar; feeling invincible as he walked down the darker streets of Detroit.

The story of being part of a survey team in Northern Ontario back in the early 1950's trailblazing and marking the way for future roads and other manifestations of civilization. Isolated for weeks at a time, with supplies flown in every two or three weeks, they managed through the terrain, black flies and the odd wolf pack to make their way.

The story of a team member being struck with appendicitis in the "middle of the bush" with no radio; getting innovative with a fire and smoke signals to attract people from across the bay. They came as quickly as they could - That's what people do!

As the fire and conversation faded, it was not hard to imagine a similar fire a thousand years ago; conversations and stories all in the same vain; "How to operate the farm more efficiently?" "Will the brashness of the village youth take them to war?", and "What will be done to get through the coming winter?" All starting with the topics of the day and then transcending with the stories of the past - Forever connecting us... forever reminding us that we are not alone.

Our life is our story.  Make it the best one you can and share it over an open fire*.

People are waiting to listen.


* It goes without saying that safety should come first, so make sure your open fire is controlled and can easily be extinguished. And for those of you who don't have the space to build a fire, I have seen a bunch of lit candles also work well.