Observations — I really know so very little
As I may have mentioned I like to walk — many health benefits come with walking, including freeing up white space to think.
On one such walk, the white space helped me realize that any ol’ QR code reader wasn’t going to work to access a platform I needed to, well, access. I was going to need an authenticator*. As I basked in the light of my simple problem-solving abilities, later on I also faced the realization I really fucking know so very little.
I was making my way through the park when I noticed a small cordoned off area and a sign that said, Bunnies Nesting Please do not Disturb. Curious, I went over to look for the bunny hole, and all I saw was grass. Obviously, whoever went to all this trouble hadn’t watched Bugs Bunny as a kid, because everyone knows rabbits live in holes, and by extension, also make other bunnies there.
Walking away shaking my head at the idiocy of the world, I couldn’t help wonder why someone would go to all that trouble for a joke (or a delusion). It quickly dawned on me that maybe I should confirm what I think I know before I start getting up on some sort of pedestal with things to say. As per the internet, it turns out cotton-tail rabbits dig out a shallow depression, line it with fur and covers it with grass — it is there, they go about the business of raising their litter. These nests are called forms.
Well this is humiliating.
Good thing I was by myself because it was embarrassing to go from a position of arrogant conviction to one of humbling ignorance. The realization that I know so very little just hung over me. I likened what I know to a pin hole in a large piece of paper and what I think I know to something slightly larger; everything else on the paper (and beyond) was what I don’t know. After all these years, the realization that I know nothing was courtesy of a cute little animal with big ears.
I will admit I have recovered quickly because, somewhere in all of this, I think I may be reaching for wisdom. It made me think of what Socrates said, “all I know is that I know nothing”. If it is good enough for one of the greatest philosophers that ever lived, it is most definitely good enough for me. Knowledge is a curious thing, it appears out of nowhere, can be acquired or given to you, and will define you. But remember, it can be a trickster too — it can be independent of truth or accuracy, it can change over time and it is influenced by perspective.
I like the idea of wisdom. It is critical and challenges how smart we think we are (myself included). So it’s back into the breach with my fledgling wisdom and my curiosity, and we will see where that takes me.
As an aside, the neighbourhood is full of bunnies — they are literally everywhere.
*the authenticator did the trick and I was able to get to the data I needed — because data is everything