Keep that heart of yours healthy...
It was strange, almost cliché, when I heard myself say, "But... I was just riding with him two hours ago."
The symbol for love, loyalty, compassion, and conviction, as well as character and fortitude, it is also the organ that pumps blood through your body for a lifetime — The heart it seems is something that embodies the human condition.
A dear friend of mine just had a heart attack, and although a little intense, he was in good shape, ate very well, didn't smoke, and watched his weight. He just didn't come across as a candidate.
Being a man of great heart, his family and friends rallied around the situation; we did what could to support him in his time of need. Modern medicine, the grace of god, and his will to live, had him "up and about" three days later, and as someone put it, "Holding court in one of the waiting rooms". Stabilization, diagnosis... and now the treatment; heart surgery for sure, although the details of what that will be are up in the air at the moment. He is a man of great heart, so I am most certain he will get through whatever is decided.
As I reflect on the situation (which it seems we all do in moments such as these), I can't help but ponder all those symbols that this fist sized organ embodies. The heart keeps us alive to be sure, but I think the aspects of our character, conviction, fortitude, compassion, and how we love, are the reflection of how we live.
My dear friend lives life large in my opinion, and when they finally do what they need to do, I look forward to seeing him. After all, we have some riding to do.
There but for the grace of god, go I.