The last day before school starts ... a familiar and comfortable sensation.

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We always have these conversations no matter how many decades have gone by or where we find ourselves; it seems Labour Day encourages them. They are the conversations and memories of the last day before school starts, and although not technically the last day of summer, those memories as well.

For some of my friends the memories of getting ready for school, the new set of school clothes, and the anticipation of the first day are vivid; for others, myself included, the memories are faint. No matter the quality of these memories though , there is always a familiar and comfortable sensation that something is about to change that keeps them company.

With my school years a ghost of a memory, and my parental obligations to get my daughter off to school in the latest fashion behind me, all that remains is this familiar and comfortable sensation that something is about to change; it is the anticipation of change, the excitement of something new, and the desire to search this out that captivates me.

Soon to be over, this summer has been one of friendship; a celebration of relationships that have spanned decades where we raised a glass to say both hello and goodbye to the people who have touched our lives. A wonderful time where I raised my face to the sun, and enjoyed the world and people around me. But these lazy days of summer are almost over, and that familiar and comfortable sensation that something is about to change is settling in.

Change, excitement and autumn await me... such a grand sensation.
